Playing House | [polished]

 Playing house, beginning in early May 
Facade-to-facade helps us to pretend
Once-in-a-while, turning to everyday
Fake faces-to-face & dead ends-to-end

§he knew He ‘fore Me, still We share
All of our selfs so, so much so to where
Am oh~so aware how He'd say §he cares
And her Love's truer than the Truth, & §he
Knows who I am & so turns "me" into "Me"
But Truth is "§he & Me" will never be "We"

Losing sight in my third eye's true light
Replacing pieces of this puzzling mind
Wandering circles, turning day to night
Returning to my moon pilgrim's grind

The Thief living in his mirror steals a glance
& this night is to be his "Grand Finale" chance
For Him to convince Her to join his Avian dance
Though while doing his jig, stubbed his big toe
He'd lost his balance, and with it his soul, so
Sinners now: "Oh well, to Hell then We go"

To Hell He fell ~ I Am He who arose
From phoenix ash & shame shadow-fire
Crucible tempers ~ I Am who He chose
To face His demons raping the Shire

So forget not, even now, her Love will kill You
Then You will remember what We must still do
On red-eye nights when Nostalgia naps ‘til 2:00
& our Time floats like kites to tie-dye cloud 9
Like the guiding ghosts of forgotten lines
On worn sign-posts as 4~Winds whine

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